Category: Review
Review: Starship Troopers Extermination – Do You Want to Know More?
Like most semi-middle-aged men (ahem), I’m a huge fan of Paul Verhoeven films. So, when I saw we were getting modern licensed games based on Starship Troopers and RoboCop, I almost had a heart attack (again, semi-middle-aged). While RoboCop is a fantastic AA title that gets unfairly held to impossibly high standards, it’s time to…
Fifine Ampligame H9 Gaming Headset review
Want to watch this review instead? You can below! I’m always on the hunt for affordable tech here at, having reviewed numerous headsets from manufacturers such as JBL, HyperX, RIG, Logitech, and more. So when FIFINE reached out to see if I would be interested in reviewing their Ampligame H9 USB Headset, I enthusiastically…
Review: Soul Reaver Remastered – A Soulful Return to Gothic Glory
The remastered Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver retains its gothic charm with updated visuals and bonus content that celebrates its legacy. A must-play for fans of atmospheric storytelling and inventive gameplay, this classic still holds up beautifully.
Review: Magical Delicacy – Cooking Up Charm and Platforming Magic
Pie Patch discovers that Magical Delicacy is a Metroidvania that like a delicious meal, should be savoured and appreciated.
Early Access Review: On Point VR – A Future Must-have Title
Classic Shooting, Brought Back in VR Back in 2020, I recognized the potential for many classic franchises to be remade in VR and subsequently tweeted about it. Classics like Silent Scope, Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, Point Blank, and more could easily find a new home in VR. Fast forward to now, and my wish has…
Review: Sucker for Love: Date to Die For – An Outstanding Spin-off
Sucker for Love: First Date was so much fun! A nice premise with stellar execution. With the announcement of the second installment, Sucker for Love: Date to Die For, I was prepared for a glorified reskin. I am so happy to be wrong! Escalation and Expansion Date to Die For is a fantastic escalation from…
Review: Hypercharged Unbox – A Fragtastic Throwback Shooter
Nick dives into Digital Cybercherries’ brilliant throwback shooter. Why can’t all FPS games be this earnest?
Review: Heading Out – A Thrilling Journey On the Open Road
Running on Empty Everyone is running from something. Whether it be from our past, our future, responsibility, or just boredom – everyone has their own internal war they face every day. Saber Interactive and developer Serious Sim’s Heading Out uses a blend of racing, roguelike, and resource management with a choose-your-own-adventure style framework to explore…
Review: Witch Rise – A Charming-but-short Spellcasting FPS
Nickbait checks out Witch Rise, an ambitious magical retro FPS from Ratalaika Games and lightUP. Check out his full review!